Meet Dan Hawes.........

Welcome to 'Meet the Team'

Here at Expedite we put great value on our people; without them we wouldn't be able to deliver our superb work. We're now throwing them into the spotlight so you can get to know the people behind the code. This week we have a chat with….Dan Hawes.

What is your role within Expedite?

I head up one of the Mattersphere development teams with 7 developers working with me to deliver client requirements. Also carry out work as a technical consultant working on behalf of TRE to perform Mattersphere upgrades and other ‘non-devy’ work for other clients

How long have you been with Expedite and what drew you to us?

I’ve been with Expedite for 7 years. What drew me initially was the chance to work with multiple clients across the country/globe rather than a single employer so everything was different.

What does your day to day look like?

Apart from the management side, my day can vary quite widely depending on what clients I’m working with and what deliverables they’re looking to achieve so it’s quite often something new/different.

What is your team like?

The management team is great! There’s a good group of experienced guys/gals who are open to discussing new things and have different viewpoints so we work well as a group.

What have been your biggest accomplishments on your team in the last 3 months?

The growth of the team – we’ve taken on 5 new hires this year, 3 of them in the last few months which really shows how the firm is growing as they have each been due to growth and not replacing exiting staff

What has been your experience with our company culture?

All the staff are very open and friendly (at all levels) and nothing is off the board so it’s a great place to work.

How have you grown professionally while working with Expedite?

I started as a technical consultant after only working in-house so the change has been quite large. I now travel internationally as part of my role and do work for firms on multiple continents so you can say it’s been a big change for me.

What are you looking forward to working on in the future?

Looking forward to seeing the team grow as developers, especially the more junior guys. Seeing the team go from being quite new to being able to tackle anything thrown at them is very rewarding.

What does the next 3 months look like for you?

As above, helping the team settle into their roles and become more experienced. Also looking forward to working with new technologies/products and expanding our offering to our clients

Dan Photo
Dan Photo