Meet Nathan Sellers.........

Welcome to 'Meet the Team'

Here at Expedite we put great value on our people; without them we wouldn't be able to deliver our superb work. We're now throwing them into the spotlight so you can get to know the people behind the code. This week we have a chat with….Nathan Sellers.

What is your role within Expedite?

Software developer.

How long have you been with Expedite and what drew you to us?

I’ve been here for 5 years now.

What does your day to day look like?

Start my day by planning what work I have for the day, joining team stand up to discuss any potential collaborative work.

What is your team like?

Nice group of people with varied personalities, work well with everyone in the retainer team.

What have been your biggest accomplishments on your team in the last 3 months?

New changes since Shakeel took over management i.e. new sprint / dev ops focus.

What has been your experience with our company culture?

Very good, had no issues in my years with anyone, everyone is very nice, and help is always available if needed.  

How have you grown professionally while working with Expedite?

Enormously in both technically and my communication skills, more confident during work and even outside of work.

What are you looking forward to working on in the future?

New projects hopefully with new ideas that can test my knowledge and skills.

What does the next 3 months look like for you?

Continuing with the retainer clients I manage and some potential new client projects.

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Untitled Design (19)